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1. AP24130Wonderful WorldSam Cooke A F#m D E / E A E A F#m Bm E E7 - Bar Loop

1. Wonderful World by Sam Cooke

Key: A
P24 a
Ballad Rock 3 4/4 (16 beats)
130 bpm
Verses:A F#m D E
Chorus:E A E A F#m Bm E E7

Verse 1:  A   F#m  D  E
Don't know much about history 
Don't know much biology 
Don't know much about a science book 
Don't know much about the French I took 

Pre Chorus: A D | A D |  E |  A
But I do know that I love you 
And I know that if you love me too 
What a wonderful world this would be 

Verse 2:   A   F#m  D  E
Don't know much about geography 
Don't know much trigonometry 
Don't know much about algebra 
Don't know what a slide rule is for. 

Pre Chorus: A D | A D |  E |  A
But I do know that one and one is two, 
And if this one could be with you, 
What a wonderful world this would be. 

Chorus:   E A E A F#m Bm E E7
Now I don't claim to be an A student, 
But I'm trying to be.     
So maybe by being an A student baby 
I can win your love for me. 

Verse 1:  A   F#m  D  E
Don't know much about history 
Don't know much biology 
Don't know much about a science book 
Don't know much about the French I took 

Pre Chorus: A D | A D |  E |  A
But I do know that I love you 
And I know that if you love me too 
What a wonderful world this would be 

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