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1. GP15110Stand by MeBen E. King G | Em | C D | G 8 Bar Loop
2. GP32126It's The Same Old SongFour Tops G | G | Am | C D. (3X) / G | D | Am | D C (2X) - Bar Loop
3. GP1892Can't Hurry LoveSupremes

1. Stand by Me by Ben E. King

Key: G
P15 a
Ballad Rock 1 4/4 (8 beats)
110 bpm
Chorus:G | Em | C D | G
1 m6 4 5 1

Verse 1: G | Em | C D | G 
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No, I won't be afraid
Oh, I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me


So darlin', darlin', stand by me / Oh, stand by me
Oh, stand / Stand by me, stand by me


[Verse 2]
If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
Or the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry
No, I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me


So darlin', darlin', stand by me / Oh, stand by me
Oh, stand / Stand by me, stand by me

Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me
Oh, stand by me
Woah, just stand now
Oh, stand, stand by me

2. It's The Same Old Song by Four Tops

Key: G
P32 a
Rock 13 4/4 (16 beats)
126 bpm
Verses:G | G | Am | C D. (3X)
Chorus:G | D | Am | D C (2X)

Verse 1:   G | G | Am | C D 
You're sweet as a honeybee, but like a honeybee stings, 
You've gone and left my heart in pain.
All you left is our favorite song, The one we danced to all night long.
It used to bring sweet memories, Of a tender love that used to be.
Chorus 1:  G | D | Am | D C
Now it's the same old song,
But with a different meaning, since you been gone.
It's the same old song,
But with a different meaning, since you been gone.

Verse 2: G | G | Am | C D 
Sentimental fool am I,
To hear an old love song and wanna cry.
But the melody keeps haunting me,
Re-minding me, how in love we used to be.
Keep hearing the part that used to touch our hearts,
Staying to-gether forever, darling, breaking up never.
Chorus 1:  G | D | Am | D C
Verse 3: G | G | Am | C D 
Precious memories keep a lingering on,
Every time I hear our favorite song.
Now you've gone, left this emptiness,
I only reminisce the happiness we spent.
We used to dance to the music, (dance to the music),
Make ro-mance to the music, (make ro-mance to the music).
Chorus 3:

3. Can't Hurry Love by Supremes

Key: G
P18 b
Rock 8 4/4 (8 beats)
92 bpm


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